In February we celebrate American Heart Month. Heart month is a time to increase awareness of what can be done to prevent cardiac problems. It is also a great opportunity to educate yourself on signs and symptoms of heart attacks and strokes. Heart Disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, so learning both strategies for prevention and signs and symptoms is important.
Nutritionally, there are some points to focus on to help keep your heart healthy. They are outlined below:
● Try to eat at least 4-5 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. Varying colors is a good way to get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.
● Try to eat two 3-5 oz. Servings of fatty fish like salmon each week for increased omega-3 fatty
● Try to eat 25 -30 grams of fiber per day. Choosing whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables is a good way to do this.
● Try to eat at least 4 servings of nuts, legumes, and seeds weekly, limiting salted varieties.
● Limit Sodium to 2000 mg/day or less.
● Limit sugary beverages like soda or juice to 2 or less per week.
● No more than 2 servings per week of processed meats like salami, or hot dogs.
● Saturated fat intake should be less than 7 percent of your total daily calorie intake. Which on a 2000 calorie diet is less than 15 grams per day.
Remember to stay active and go to your doctor regularly for blood pressure monitoring and your yearly physical.
Lora Hyde, RDN, CDN, is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for nutrition and fitness. She has more than 21 years of experience working with patients with various nutrition diagnoses including diabetes, eating disorders, metabolic syndrome, pregnancy, and weight management. Lora has worked at Coburg Village for eight years helping residents tailor their menu choices to accommodate their dietary needs.