When you move to your new apartment or cottage at Coburg Village, you will quickly discover that we offer much more than just resort-style independent retirement living. Here you’ll find warm, welcoming residents who are eager to invite you to join in on the fun!
All residents who move to Coburg Village are automatically members of our Residents’ Association. There is an annual membership fee of $5 which helps partially fund its many activities. Our Residents’ Association meets each month in our auditorium and works in concert with Coburg Village Administration. For example, our Dining Committee is made up of nine residents whose purpose is to further enhance the resident dining experience. The committee meets monthly with members of the Dining staff to discuss resident comments, concerns, and suggestions -- both positive and negative.
Coburg Village is a vibrant and diverse community with residents coming from different social, cultural, and religious backgrounds and who bring an array of unique experiences and talents. Residents’ Association committees provide a wide range of engaging activities and opportunities to meet other residents; explore a new activity such as painting or bridge; or continue to pursue lifelong hobbies and interests.
For many new residents, their first experience with our Residents’ Association is with our Buddy Committee. The goal of The Buddy Committee is to help new residents settle in and ask about life at Coburg Village, such as questions about housekeeping, transportation, activities, dining, and much more. At Coburg Village we want all new residents to feel right at home and the Buddy Committee is available to do just that! Buddy Committee members meet with new residents two to four times after they move in to help answer any questions and to offer assistance navigating the community. Many times a resident’s “buddy” will transition to a long-time friend. Currently, there are about 20 residents on the Buddy Committee who volunteer to share their knowledge about life at Coburg Village.
The Residents’ Association has nearly 30 different committees to choose from, including an artisans group, book club, choraliers choir, sewing group, greenhouse group, and recreational writers group – just to name a few.